Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Ruby Tuesday - Someday Summer

Even though we have had a fairly mild winter so far in Tulsa, nothing is blooming and the trees are bare.  If we want color we will have to think about summer when the Zinnias are in bloom and the butterflies are fluttering.

See more Ruby Tuesdays


  1. Your mild winter and our cold summer on the Mornington Peninsula! We have only had a couple of days of summer weather! Today is cool and rainy and tomorrow the weathermen predict snow in the Victorian Alps and in Tasmania! So weird!

    So love your glorious summer flower and butterfly! Beautiful photo!

  2. It may be Ruby Tuesday, but the butterfly gets my vote! :-)
    Mild here too, for which I'm very grateful. I'm not in shape for shovelling snow right now :-)
    PS Thank you for the kind comment!

  3. For a change we too have a sight of the sun today (v. unusual)! A sign of spring though, one minute snowdrop is blooming in my little patch of garden:-)

  4. Very nice composition and capture. Yes, It doesn't really seem like we've had winter yet. I know there are colder days ahead and maybe some snow will fall before spring arrives, but it has been very mild so far. Happy Ruby Tuesday.

  5. Beautiful image Bill and the butterfly is such a bonus.

  6. Keep thinking summer--it will come soon enough. Zinnias were a favorite of my mother, so I have a special fondness for them too.


    Hester’s letter, scarlet “A,”
    Gave the gossips much to say,
    But their rudeness she forbore,
    For she knew she was no whore.

    © 2012 by Magical Mystical Teacher


  7. Beautiful flowers especially with the Butterfly:)

    Visiting for RT 2 ! Here's my share- hope you can visit:)


  8. I harvested radishes from my garden yesterday! In jan! In central pa!


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