Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Ruby Tuesday - The Last Roses of Summer

Despite our dry summer the recent rain has invigorated the Tulsa Rose Garden and it is a riot of bloom.  We may have roses for several more weeks but frost is coming.  We have to enjoy it while we can.

See more Ruby Tuesdays at:


  1. How lovely that you still have traces of summer in November. We are having lots of mist and closing the curtains because of darkness at 4.30p.m.

  2. Brilliant capture. Glad to see you made it by the Garden Center before winter truly sets in.

  3. Gorgeous...I can close my eyes and take in the aroma!

  4. Gorgeous rose you have, great shot as well!

    Ruby Tuesday, have a nice day!

  5. Awesome looking photo! Wow! ~thanks, namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor) Happy RT ^_^


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