Monday, October 24, 2011

Yellow Bee on Yellow Flower

A yellow bee on a yellow flower,
     Gathering nectar by the hour,
          She hides it where we cannot see,
               How clever is the little bee.   (gwm)

more Macro Monday
more Mellow Yellow Monday


  1. A wonderful, buttery yellow flower! Bright and beautiful!

  2. WOW!!! Well done!!! Very beautiful!!! Nice to meet you, Bill. You live in a very lovely place. I lived in Eufaula for three years and loved it. Have a grand day!!! Cathy

  3. And a poem, too! Awesome!

    I sure hope you still have flowers right now; we are getting more snow on Wednesday...

  4. Wonderful color and details!

  5. Great macro shot and excellent verse to go with it, you are a poet Bill!!


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