Saturday, October 29, 2011

Weekend Reflections - David's Beach

A favorite spot on Lake Fort Gibson near Wagoner, Oklahoma

More Weekend Reflections


  1. Tranquil and serene - a place for pondering. You have captured the essence of it beautifully!

    "Adelaide and Beyond"

  2. What a gorgeous spot to go and sit while trying to solve the problems of the world and your survival in it these days. It is so quiet and calming in it appearance. You have given us a beautifully composed shot. genie

  3. That's a nice scene. I love northeastern Oklahoma.

  4. Lovely spot Bill, well snapped!
    I thought you were going to say Perth had been in the news because of CHOGM being held here this weekend. That mega coin will be melted down at some point I guess.

  5. Hello Bill.

    Ce doit être agréable de se promener sur les berges de ce lac, l'appareil photo en bandoulière !
    Bisous et caresses à Smokey.


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