Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday Bridges - Lewis Avenue Over I-44

Lewis Avenue crosses Interstate 44 on a bridge built in 1956.  It is due to be demolished soon and replaced as part of the project to expand I-44 from Yale Avenue to the Arkansas River. 

See more Sunday Bridges


  1. It looks like a perfectly good bridge to be. Besides, I was established in 1955, and I sure hope nobody is planning to demolish ME anytime soon!

    p.s. Hope you were driving when you took this photo! *Wink*

  2. Great shot, I am all for infrastructure improvements but it sure it seems like there isn't enough money in the world to pay for all the work going on.

  3. hee hee...
    «Louis» knows 'zackly where this bridge is!

    He appreciates both your contribution to Sunday Bridges and even more so to his Espresso Van project!

  4. Must the Bridge to somewhere, huh?

  5. You mean this may be one of the last pictures of this bridge Bill?? Good job you took this for posterity then!


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