Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ruby Tuesday - The Trees are Turning

After the hot dry summer I was afraid that we would not have good color this fall but the trees that show color early in the season are looking good.

See more Ruby Tuesdays at:


  1. A perfect Ruby Tuesday capture. Well done. I have some fall foliage as well, it's just not the focus of my post.

  2. Absolutely georgeous Autumn colour Bill, I thought you had another month of Autumn, but I've been seeing stories of early snow over there, that just doesn't sound right!

  3. You've certainly got the color on those trees!

    «Louis» has added your blog to the blogroll in the left sidebar of San Francisco Bay Daily Photo.

  4. lovely..
    we never get great color here. we just do not have the variety of trees.

  5. Beautiful! There's nothing like that around here. :(


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