Monday, October 17, 2011

Macro Monday - Betty Boop

I have planted a rose garden all in big pots and arranged them on the perimeter of the deck behind the house.  This summer was brutally hot and dry and I had to water every single day to keep them alive.  The heat scorched the blooms as soon as they started to open.  Now that we are shifting into autumn they are beginning to put on a show. 

When we visited Sue's brother last May we admired a 'Betty Boop' rose they had planted by their back door. I just had to have it. It is classified as a floribunda, semi-double, ivory-white flowers with red edges borne in clusters over a long period. They are mildly scented. New leaves are dark red, maturing to glossy green. We will enjoy this rose all summer long.

more Macro Monday


  1. Nice pic. Our knockout roses are looking pretty good right now.

  2. Beautiful and great shots of your roses!

  3. How lovely to see roses blooming so magnificently at this time of the year. I don't know this particular variety but it's cheerful and warms the cockles of the heart:-) Do you know that expression?

  4. Absolutely love rose. Hope they bloom for a few weeks longer so you can enjoy their beauty.


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