Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ruby Tuesday - Purslane

Purslane, a larger form or Portulaca.  I looked this up on the internet and discovered that numerous forms of this plant are not only edible but commonly used in salads and stews in many parts of the world.

See more Ruby Tuesdays


  1. Aha, I always wonder what is the name of this particular plant, thanks for sharing coz now I know.

    My Ruby Tuesday

  2. I sure the edible varieties add a splash of color to any meal. Excellent capture. Have a wonderful Ruby Tuesday.

  3. Wow I love this flower it's very pretty.


  4. I never knew purslane produced red blossoms. Learned something new today!


    Boy in ruby, why so shy?
    You are quite a handsome guy.
    There’s no need to hide your face—
    In this world you have a place.
    Take your ruby shirt away
    From your mouth—come out and say,
    “I am not a turtle, no,
    And my name’s not Yertle, so,
    I will be as I was meant—
    As my mom says, heaven-sent.”

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Red sunset and flower


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