Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Double Delight Hybrid Tea Rose

This is a Double Delight Hybrid Tea.  It starts out as red with a bud that reveals a center of yellow as it opens, then fades to a white center as it matures.  The "double delight" is that this rose has a wonderful strong rose fragrance.  I have this rose in a large pot on my deck which is blooming as best it can in our heat.  This example was in the Cantigny Garden when we visited the Chicago area a few weeks ago.

See more Ruby Tuesdays


  1. The smell of a rose is something special. A delightful "double delight".

  2. Awesome photos ~ something about Roses ~ RT ~thanks, namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor)

  3. This is a favorite rose in our garden. Awesome color and wonderufl fragrance... Can't be beat!

  4. Nice capture! Great lighting, color and details!


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