Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - You Said 114° F ??

It is just too hot in Tulsa to think about a photo shoot.  So here is a photo from a cruise to Alaska 5 summers ago.  Dip a wash cloth in ice water, place it on the back of your neck, look at the picture and breath deeply. Ahhhhh.

The truth is that it's just too darn hot!

See More Wordless Wednesday


  1. makes our 95degrees seem so cool!
    lovely photo...wish I was there again now.

  2. That works! It's already cooler here!

  3. You have our California weather and we have it pretty cool this year.

    The photograph is beautiful.

    Have a terrific WW and stay cool. :)

  4. Beautiful view!

    I played too. Mine are here and here.

  5. GW,
    I'm glad to have found your blog, I haven't been to Oklahoma in ages, but I'd like to come back soon and browse through your pictures. Our family reports that it is really darn hot down there, here too. I pray that everyone gets some relief from this heat wave soon.

    I've always wanted to visit Alaska, as soon as our kids are older we just might do it. The photo is really lovely and makes me want to think cool thoughts. Have a Happy Wordless Wednesday. Drop by and see me some time over at Savvy Practicality.

  6. That's 44C. I really feel for you. I have only experienced heat like that a couple of times while holidaying in Greece. It wasn't very pleasant.

  7. Thanks, I feel better just looking at this capture. Stay cool...oh, that sounded like a high school yearbook entry.

  8. Won't complain 'bout my 90 degrees at all! Gorgeous photo~

  9. Refreshing shot... hopefully this (100+ temps) too shall pass.


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