Friday, August 5, 2011

Skywatch Friday - Blessed with Blue Skies

Blue skies are fine but we would rather have some rain.  Our high today was 103°F, down from yesterday's 113°.  You might think that when the temperature exceeds 100 there is not much difference in the way it feels.  I believe that 113 is the hottest day that I have had the privilege of experiencing first hand and it definitely felt hotter than 103.  Those of you in cooler climes who are struggling with temperatures greater than 90° should just suck it up and count your blessings.  And to those who live in desert regions where the temperatures routinely exceed 120°F, you guys are tough.

 More SkyWatch Friday


  1. Beautiful perspective and cool click. :)

  2. Love this shot! Hope you all get some relief from this heat wave...we are some of the lucky ones this year...I am sitting here with my windows open n counting my blessings for sure!!!

  3. i guess it's all a matter of perspective! love this shot!!

  4. Nice tree shot,temperature is rising here in the tropics too.

    MY SWF

  5. Beautiful tree and a beautiful perspective!
    I hope you get some rain soon!

  6. Wow that is too high temperature. Here in MI we are in the 80's not bad for Summer. This tree made me want to climb ^_^ Happy weeekend!

    Sunset reflection

  7. Way too hot for me. Good thing I live in the northwest. Your beautiful tree reminds me of some of the old growth we have left in our forests. - Margy


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