Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Trumpet Vine

Trumpet Vine is such a vigorous climber that it can be a nuisance if planted in the wrong place.  It has run up this big Sycamore at least 30 feet.  Here it looks good.

See More Wordless Wednesday


  1. A nuisance might be too kind of a description for this aggressive plant. It's like flowering kudzu.

  2. Now this is different to the Trumpet vine we have here - Pyrostegia venusta (sp)... Definition of a weed - Is any plant that is planted in an inappropriate situation...

    Mines up as well at AussiePomm - Sharp

    Have a great WW!!

  3. Lovely vines and its a bit long I say! Love your entry!

    Happy WW!

    Hope you visit mine here:

  4. I must admit that I for a moment had an inner picture of a trumpet filled with wine, but I soon sobered up :-)
    A striking plant that I have never seen before.

    PS Yes, I thought of the Oklahoma City bomber when I heard what kind of creature the perpetrator was. I'm afraid that this kind of senseless evil is worldwide and part of any kind of extremism. Thank you for you support.

  5. It looks lovely and I was going to suggest it for your new area in your garden BUT, having read the comments, perhaps not?

  6. Such a lovely pic. So beautiful.

  7. Wow -- that is some vine!!!!!

  8. I have never seen one of these. It is really stunning, Thanks for sharing


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