Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thursday Challenge - Yellow Lantana

Tulsa is having one of the hottest summers on record.  Since the first day of June the coolest daily high temperature was 90F, and the hottest was 108F.  That is 49 consecutive days with temperatures at or above 90F and 16 days above 100F.   The extended forecast out to the first of August predicts every day at 102F or above.  You might say we are having a hot summer.

My poor Knockout hedge roses are trying to bloom but as soon as the buds begin to open they are scorched.  It is so hot that my tomato plants won't set fruit.  But there are some hardy species that bloom no matter what.  Given a daily drink of water the faithful Lantana blooms and keeps on blooming.  It seems to say that the hotter the weather the better it likes it.  It draws butterflies and bees like a magnet.  So for the Thursday Challenge I give you Yellow Lantana.  Long may it bloom

See more Thursday Challenge


  1. We have lantana, too, and they are just about the only flowers in our garden surviving this heatwave. Yours are most certainly lovely and such a brilliant yellow!

  2. We had our summer in April/May and since then it seems to have rained non-stop!!!

    Love those lantana - I know the flower but not the name.

  3. Great summer flower. My dad use to grow the yellow/pink variety every year.

  4. Gonna be warm here today(90s) with humidity, but nothing like the Midwest.


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