Monday, June 13, 2011

Macro Monday - Bee on Daisy

The Shasta Daises are in the Philbrook garden, but they are hardy and blooming everywhere right now.  The little insect resting on the daisy is either a sort of bee or a small wasp, to tell the truth I cannot tell for sure.  Maybe a reader can tell me.  

For a number of years I had both white Shasta Daises and yellow day lilies in a flower bed in front of  my house.  I also planted several dwarf pink crepe myrtle along the front of the bed.  For about 10 years they coexisted rather well with the daises and day lilies blooming in early June, and the crepe myrtle filling the bed with pink from late June until frost.  

Although I cut the crepe myrtle back to about 10 inches over the winter, it has become so vigorous that the yellow day lilies struggle to be seen through it and the Shasta daises seem to have disappeared.  Survival of the fittest I  suppose.  Before next summer I will have to do some thinning.

See more Macro Monday


  1. Perfectly composed. Really well done.

  2. Love the photo of the shasta daisy with the wasp... I have always loved daisies...

  3. The bee has struck gold, and so have you with that first one. Beauties all of them.

  4. Wow, they are so beautiful, your garden's so lovely too. I'm staying in a high rise flat, no garden for me. But my neighbours do have potted plants along the corridor to their units.

  5. Nice shot. It seems that the Shasta Daisies are really soaking up the heat.

  6. Bill, your photography is beautiful! Our crepe myrtles all died back from the ice storm this past winter. They were all nearly 8foot so I've had to prune them back and start over. I have shasta daisies in a shaded flowerbed and need to move them to sun or they will never do well. Our country home is wooded so I have to hunt for sun! Loved the map you posted of Philbrook's grounds, I had no idea that the gardens went so far back!

  7. Great macro...something has been nibbling that daisy.

  8. Really clear capture! I'm always afraid to get too close, I don't want to be attacked :-)

  9. Great shots! I just love daisies.



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