Sunday, May 15, 2011

Road Trip Day 8, Sunday - Blowing Rock

Today we drove about 200 miles down the Blue Ridge Parkway.  These are old mountains covered with lush forests.

We visited Blowing Rock.  Sitting on top can be scary.
Sue demonstrated her courage in a more sensible way.

We drove through a number of tunnels.
Some are short, some are long and curving.

Down at lower elevations are swift flowing waters.
Grassy meadows lie under the tall trees.
The tallest mountains here are about 6000 feet stretching as far as the eye can see covered in undulating green velvet.


  1. Those are some great vistas. I bet there are some hiking trails and geocaches to find there.

  2. Amazing place! Could have been a paradise island for all I know. Love the green lush!

    Not sure I would have sat on the rock, I'm not a huge fan of heights. Aw, maybe for a picture... but a quick one!


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