Sunday, May 8, 2011

Road Trip Day 1, Sunday - Tulsa to Mt. Vernon, Illinois

We got off a little later than expected this morning but made it from Tulsa to St. Louis then east to Mt. Vernon, Illinois, about 490 miles.  We found a dog friendly Comfort Inn and crashed about 8:30 PM.  The weather was good and we enjoyed the scenery.  This is rolling Mid-America, tracts of wooded hills, lush farm land all dressed in  the green, offset by vast yellow fields of Rapeseed, from which Canola oil is obtained.  About all I got today was highway photos but it was a good day.


  1. Take care on the southern route coming back. Ol' Man River is way over his banks. Traffic down the Verdigris is halted I believe.

  2. The road disappeares around the bend - one is very tempted to follow.

  3. Wow, you got a long ways on day one.

  4. I found highways fascinating when I came here: they are so wide! In France, most roads are just basic two-lane roads.

  5. We recently visited Roanoke as well. Hubsy needed to see the O. Winston Link Museum; I visited it too, then took photos in Roanoke.


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