Saturday, April 9, 2011

Weekend Reflections - Swans on Swan Lake

Swan Lake is at about 13th and Utica.  It is a small lake in an older residential area.  It has an interesting history which I commented on at length several years ago.  I think rather than repeat it I will just link to it HERE.  It usually has a resident flock of Mallard ducks and Canada geese, but not always Swans.  This year a beautiful pair have been introduced into the lake and we are hopeful that they will raise a family there.  They are elegant birds.

More Weekend Reflections


  1. Beautiful swans --such lovely, graceful birds. Excellent shot. Mickie:)

  2. Beautiful birds but one needs to be wary - they can be vicious, particularly if they are raising cygnets.

  3. These are lovely birds! And I agree, they can be vicious, I wouldn't bother them too much.

  4. wans are so fancy... Thanks for sharing such a lovely picture of those birds.


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