Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thursday Challenge - Spring: Redbuds and Tulips

Spring has come to Tulsa and it seems like everything is in bloom.  As a sample here are some native redbud trees and a nice assortment of tulips.  Nearer the house are some red azaleas and a sprinkle of white from a dogwood tree.

See more Thursday Challenge


  1. Every single thing in this photograph is an eye-candy. So colourful and joyful. W.O.W.

  2. Seeing this one can't help welcome spring extra, can't one?

  3. In spring you can find any colour - and it is great!

  4. Now that is certainly a breath of heaven! Gorgeous colors!

  5. Apart from the fact they should be called Pinkbuds, that is one fabulous picture. Don't you just love spring?

    Your picture, together with the royal wedding on Friday, is such a feel-good factor - something to make one smile.

  6. Beautiful, this redbud. It also looks very much like cherry blossom, pruna or Japanese cherry. I love those deep pink colours against a blue sky!

  7. Beautiful colors. Your spring looks glorious.


Please leave a comment if you like. I enjoy hearing from you and will reply to questions if time permits.

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