Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday Bridges - Chicago Elevated from the River

A view of the Elevated from a boat tour on the Chicago River.  Sue and I were up there visiting her son Mark.  The view of the city from the river is amazing.  You can see a train racing across the trestle.  If I knew the city better I could tell you what street that is, but I'm an out-of-towner.

See more Sunday Bridges


  1. As tourist on a boat trip you must have photographed many more bridges.

  2. Chicago is on my bucket list and I'll be checking out the river rides.

    Sorry we haven't got together. I'm flying off to San Antonio today for a convention. Heather and Logan usually go with me to San Antonio so its going to be strange without them.

  3. Bonsoir Bill.

    Je suis toujours impressionnée par la taille de vos buildings. A vivre en pleine campagne on en oublie les mégapoles !
    Bisous et caresses à Smokey


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