Sunday, May 1, 2011

CDPB Theme for May - Mailbox

Lobby mailbox of the Pythian Building, 423 South Boulder, Tulsa.  It was built in 1929 as the Gillette-Tyrrell Building and sold to the Knights of Pythias in 1933.  It is an excellent example of the streamline "zig-zag" art deco style which was carried out even to the mailbox.  If you are curious there is a nice article HERE.

A City Daily Photo Blog (CDPB) is a blog that publishes a photo each day taken in and around a particular city.  Currently there are 2,202 such blogs.  Tulsa Gentleman is a City Daily Photo Blog for Tulsa, Oklahoma.  The first day of each month there is a theme for all City Daily Photo Blogs. The theme for May is "Mailbox".

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


  1. Wonderful piece of decorative art. When architecture is completely thought through, no detail is left out.

  2. I just love art deco stuff. Especially the decorations.


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