Saturday, March 26, 2011

Weekend Reflection - Kinetic Water Sculpture

Kinetic water sculpture at Farmers and Merchants Bank, 21st and Utica, Tulsa

More Weekend Reflections


  1. What fun, I bet I could get lost watching that and loose track of time.

    "Around California"

  2. I'd love to just sit and watch that fountain.

  3. awesome :D beautifully designed...
    wonderfully captured.

    Weekend Reflection

  4. I love water sculptures and that one is a doozie.

    The sculpture of the man sitting on the bench to the left behind the fountain. That is the original Hans Helmerich of (Helmerich and Payne drilling, also owners of Utica Square.) The newspaper he is reading is a reproduction of a particular day's newspaper from the Tulsa Tribune (now defunct). Anyway it is a virtual geocache.

  5. Beautiful. The fountain is just magnificent.

  6. Beautiful font. The photo is excellent!

  7. Stunning sculpture ! And great picture : you did a great job by capturing the motion of the water so vividly...


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