Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Thursday Challenge (Green) - Lil' Green Caboose

Not all cabooses are red.  Sadly, most trains run without a caboose nowadays.

Thursday Challenge collection


  1. The only train we see here are the Mass Rapid Transit(MRT), fast and convenience. There's one railway train which belonged to Malaysia and crosses into our country.

  2. Liked the pic. green colour stands out.

  3. Lucky for you that someone decided to paint this one green. Now of days cabooses are rare as UFOs.

  4. Shoot some trains here in Tulsa don't even have drivers in the engine. They are operated by remote control.

    Nice pic.

  5. ahaa the lonely green train compartment :D lovely click.

    Thursday Challenge

  6. Do you have Rev. W Audrey books over there? Thomas the tank engine etc. - this "lil' green caboose" could be called Leonard:-)

  7. Makes me want to become a hobo and ride on open trains around the country.


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