Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ruby Tuesday - Gentleman Reading Newspaper.

In Saturday's post you may have noticed a gentleman reading a newspaper to the left behind the fountain.  Smokey stopped to visit for a time.  He seemed like a nice enough gentleman but didn't talk much.  He seemed a bit stiff you might say.

Actually the sculpture is the original Hans Helmerich of Helmerich and Payne drilling, also owners of Utica Square. The newspaper he is reading is a reproduction of a particular day's newspaper from the Tulsa Tribune (now defunct). Thanks Yogi!.

See more Ruby Tuesdays


  1. Great shot for Ruby Tuesday. I like it...

  2. what's wrong with him...hehe

  3. Very creative capture. I didn't have time to post anything this week.

  4. Great shot. When I was over there years ago with Logan we had the Utica Square security guards on top of us all the sudden. I was actually reading the newspaper to gather cues for a geocache.

  5. I bet he wasn't offended to have his picture taken!

  6. I love this shot. The subtle and yet eye-catching red, and the man looks so real!!!

  7. I see this kind of human sculpture engaged in ordinary activities around the world... and I like it a lot. Is that your pup posing so handsomely with the newspaper reader?


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