Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ruby Tuesday - Antique Shoppe

The gentleman who has this little shop repairs and restores furniture and trades in the sort of old stuff that I have seen referred to as "Junktiques".  He is a nice fellow and repaired some dining room chairs for Susan.  He has some interesting things.  I must admit that I remember when Pepsi-Cola was 5¢ and its selling feature was that it came in a 12 ounce bottle rather than a 6 ounce bottle like Coca-Cola.  Do you remember the jingle? 

"Pepsi-Cola hits the spot /
Twelve full ounces, that's a lot /
Twice as much for a nickel, too /
Pepsi-Cola is the drink for you."

See more Ruby Tuesdays


  1. That phone box looks in pretty good shape-how much?!

  2. Ha, it takes one to know one - exactly the same question I was going to ask!!!!

  3. Sadly, yes, I do remember the jingle. Love this shot. Lots of interest. Great framing.

  4. Really nice composition and capture. I do remember soft drinks costing only a nickle, but I'm a little fuzzy on the jingle.

  5. Love this photo...I would love to visit this shop!!

  6. That's the place I like to visit ^_^

  7. What a great photo! I'd love to have that phone box. I have no ideat what I'd do with it but, I do like it.

  8. Red booth, red door... great colours here! Antique shops are getting rare and it's too bad.

  9. Great color contrasts. Love the english phone booth. I need one for my garden!!!


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