Saturday, March 5, 2011

Black and White Reflections - Great Blue Heron

This fellow stood very still at the edge of a small pond up in Mohawk Park.  I watched him as he stepped very slowly out into the water.  He leaned forward intently then snapped his head forward and down and came up out of the water with a small fish wiggling in his beak.

See more Weekend Black and White
More Weekend Reflections


  1. I like the vague reflection. A good shot.

  2. What a wonderful photo. I have no idea how you were able to get so close to him! The blue herons around here don't tolerate photographers. LOL Happy Reflections!

  3. A fine photo! Congratulations!

  4. I really liked the bird, but the photo black & white is superb!

  5. And I went to the Heron Sanctuary today and did not see one Heron today!
    Great photo!

  6. I wish it was that easy for me to fish! Very nice photo...
    Patrick Tillett, Extremely Overdue

  7. belle prise photographique et beau reflet

    Publicity ;o) Every Friday (and the Weekend), The Challenge "Walk In The Street Photography"


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