The Blizzard of 2011. Our garden deck on February 1, 2011 |
F (-11°
C) and the low was 1°
F (-17°
C). The forecasted low for Wednesday night is for -9°
F (-23°
C). For comparison, here is our garden deck on September 7, 2010. |
Add to this that the wind is blowing at about 25 mph (40km/h). Everything in Tulsa has been canceled or postponed; schools, businesses, even the postal service. Needless to say that Susan and I stayed home and watched the news on TV. Poor Smokey. When he went outside to do his business the snow was up past his belly and onto his chest. When he came back inside he curled up on our bed and slept the better part of the day.
In this day and age almost everybody has a cell phone which will take photographs and video clips. The TV station ran photos and videos sent in by listeners. People sent in pictures of lots of stuck cars and trucks. Even police cars, firetrucks, and ambulances were getting stuck. City ice scrapers and salt spreaders got stuck. The tow trucks sent to pull them out of the snow got stuck themselves. It is a real mess. People with four wheel drive vehicles were stopping to help pull cars out of embankments. A group of young men were seen pushing a couple of police cars back on the road. Oklahomans are good people. Nothing brings out the best in us like the opportunity to help someone out of a jam.
See More Wordless Wednesday
Nice post. I agree Okies go all out to help each other out in a jam.
ReplyDeleteThe snow is beautiful, but I think it's time for spring!
ReplyDeleteI must admit, I like the September photo. I think Smokey has the right idea, just take a nap until the whole thing passes.
ReplyDeleteThis weather is NOT going to help the boat show attendance, that's for sure.
Our place already looks like that first photo, and we didn't even get the storm yet! That's to look forward to tonight! :P
We've had similar since November but 1st February we had lovely cold sunlight :-)
ReplyDeleteYou have my sympathy. That kind of situation is not unfamiliar. If ever I come to Oklahoma I'll come in September :-)
ReplyDeleteCe matin, j'ai vu à la télévision la ville d'Oklahoma City sous le blizzard et la neige et j'ai fortement pensé à vous et à Smockey qui ne doit pas trop aimer ce temps !
Whoa -- you guys got slammed!
ReplyDeleteWoah! Awesome snow..... Even so, come Spring......
ReplyDeleteThat a lot of snow, it seems to be snowing everywhere. I really like your deck in the before shot. Very pretty. Happy WW!
ReplyDeleteThat's the positive side of bad snowy weather, the old community spirit. Cheer up Smokey it'll be spring soon.
ReplyDeletealways enjoy your photos - great shot of the blizzard
ReplyDeleteSmokey looks like he has an easy attitude to life!:)
ReplyDeleteLast year we had snow for 10 weeks. This year it looks like it is where you are living, who got the long winter!
Cute granddaughter, -and just 2 days.
Well, I guess that answers my question. You did get colder than us!
ReplyDeleteMy goodness, that's a lot of snow. Enjoyed the September comparison!