Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Let it Snow, Let it Snow


  1. And that's about all that has been going on this winter too. Come on spring. Stellar shot.

    Have a terrific WW. :)

  2. can you please keep it there .. or send it somewhere other than here? please, I beg of you ....

    (I bet you can't wait until spring too, huh?)

  3. Lots of Snow here in Michigan as well. I love winter, so I am enjoying the cold.

    Happy WW!

  4. That's a beautiful photo. Here in the Pacific Northwest we have had a month+ of warm, dry, weather. We need some of your winter!

    Happy WW!

  5. Nice pic. That snow is going to a little overlay.

    Lets do lunch next week. Even if I do make it to the office, I'm not leaving it.

  6. love the shadows..very pretty.

  7. I love the crispy look of this snow in the photo. Very nice!

  8. I saw on the news you're supposed to be getting a bigger dump. Hope the sun comes out soon and you get tons of blossoms with all that moisture!

  9. I love the shadow of the trees on the snow.

  10. beautiful shot but i for sure don't envy the snow. snow is like a visit from the inlaws... it's nice to see for a day or two but after that, i can do without. ;)

    @ashlee - as a former SW MI girl myself, I'm happy to see that someone enjoys the weather there. :)


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