Friday, January 7, 2011

Pedestrian Bridge, Seoul, ROK

After snow and cloudy skies we got some sun and blue skies in Seoul last week.  I wish I could tell you what the glass panels are but I don't have a clue.  Decoration?  Solar panels?  Can't tell you.

More SkyWatch Friday

See more Sunday Bridges


  1. Probably just to add beauty of the bridge. lol

    Happy Skywatch viewing.

    kat from Pilippines

  2. Wow, great picture. The bridge is very pretty.

  3. That's a really interesting bridge. The panels look like sails to me. I hope they don't have tornadoes in Seoul because I don't think the panels would last.

    The main bridge structure itself isn't going anywhere. It looks solid.

  4. I don't think those panels have any function other than decoration, Bill. But it's a very showy - and different - bridge, so do link it with Sunday Bridges!

  5. When I saw this thumbnail in the Linky list, I just HAD to see it full size. What a cool shot! It is also a very, very interesting one. Great work. Genie

  6. wow, this is one fancy bridge! i like the blues panels. great find!

  7. In Seoul, they might mistake you for Santa. Are You visiting there?

    The panels gives you a photo if you join the ABC meme for letter X. LOL

  8. from the thumbnail, I thought this was a strange drawbridge. this is even better as you get to see the panels raised all the time!

  9. Whatever the purpose of those panels is, the panels are certainly an attention-getter and make for an unusual contribution to Sunday Bridges.


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