Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - An Early Christmas

We are going to Seoul to visit Susan's son Paul for Christmas so had an early celebration with Sue's daughter Jennifer, her husband Jeff and our grandkids Molly and Will.  They both got what they most wanted for Christmas, Molly a guitar and Willy an automatic Nerf Blaster.  Sue cooked a nice pot roast and we enjoyed an early Christmas dinner.  I will post as I can during our trip to South Korea.

See More Wordless Wednesday Here.


  1. that Nerf Blaster looks cool...Merry Christmas and have a great trip!

  2. Love this blog! I’ve included it on a site I’ve created, which is a compilation of some of the best blogs in the city.

    Best of Blogs Tulsa

  3. Wow, a nerf blaster. I'm so jealous. I'm also jealous of your trip to Seoul. I know that you are going to take some great pics to share with us later.

  4. Great that you get to celebrate twice and spend time with loved ones. Have a wonderful Christmas! Safe travels!


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