Saturday, December 18, 2010

Weekend Reflections - Christmas Lights

Click to enlarge

In Tulsa, as in cities large and small all over America, Lights are strung to celebrate the Holidays.  Sue and I drove around last night and took photographs of some of the decorations.  It was hard to pick out a few from so many to share with you. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  God bless us, every one.

More Weekend Reflections


  1. WON-DER-FUL!!It makes me dream!!

  2. What a perfect day to stop by! I love these photos! Love your new avatar, too. Shows a whole new side of you!

    Thank you SO much for that incredible link! I think I'll be crocheting some of those!!!

  3. We love Christmas lights. We don't do many ourselves but we like looking at others.

  4. These are excellent examples of the lights of the season in Tulsa. There is a house on 21st street, near Jamestown that is usually a spectacular display. If you haven't seen it, you need to drive by one evening.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  5. Oh how festive, great shots.

  6. We don't have near enough lights around here. Thanks for sharing yours. :)

  7. We don't do lights here in Leeds - just a few on the main roads. However, I have awoken to a covering of the white stuff which looks lovely but deadly to walk on.

    Happy Christmas to all.

  8. the two trees in the middle photos are lovely with being so full of lights.

  9. Love all the lights, so festive. Merry Chrismtas to you n yours!

  10. I've been meaning to go do just what you and Sue did. There are lots of street and home decorations to be found here in Manila too. Nice captures, Sant.... ooops... Bill! :-D All the very best of the season to you and yours!

  11. ah the festive light! lovely


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