Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sunday Bridges - Muskogee County Bridge

Old bridge in Muskogee Country west of Taft, Oklahoma.


  1. it does look like it is in need of some rust remover. and yet, I like the colour; it blends in better cover in rust.

  2. I bet this is what the Golden Gate would look like it it weren't continuously being painted. But this bridge has old timey charm which always plucks at my nostalgia strings.

  3. Who are you going to call Rust Busters. Nice shot of a fading bridge.

  4. I love the color and pattern of the structure. It may be a little rusty, but it is beautiful, none the less. Very nicely captured.

  5. Love the design of the bridge! And also very much like your profile pic ;-D

  6. Believe it or not, ol' «Louis» has driven across this bridge! It was more than 30 years ago, when he lived in Oklahoma, but he has been across it! Memories!

  7. That's funny, when I first clicked on your site I got the song "Tulsa Time" stuck in my head and now I have Okee from Muskogee stuck in it lol. You take fantastic pictures.


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