Sunday, December 5, 2010

SOOC Sunday - Hybrid Tea Rose Gemini

Gemini Hybrid Tea Rose   A relatively recent rose that is becoming a favorite of 'rose show' exhibitors. It is also a beautiful garden rose. It blooms in quantity all summer long and occasionally will have a bloom that will look just perfect on the bush.
    This popular hybrid tea rose is known for some of the most beautiful tea rose colors, with a creamy white base that blushes upwards from the stem to magenta red edges. The Gemini also has a very classic profile for the original tea roses from the 1800s, so it is revered by collectors as an asset to a tea rose collection.
   With a mild but sweet fragrance, this hybrid is also loved because of its disease-resistant flowers and foliage that is emerald green and shiny. The Gemini hybrid is easy to landscape, since it can accommodate a cutting garden, or it can be a border or the focal point of your rose garden. It can grow from 4 to 6 feet tall as a shrub. This rose hybrid thrives best in moderate temperatures, usually in USDA Hardiness Zones 5 through 9.   
   Roses from Tulsa Municipal Rose Garden.


  1. Such a pretty rose. It would not survive in my Cdn. 4B garden.

  2. OOOH! The shape and colour of this rose is exquisite!

  3. I can see why it is becoming a favorite, it's lovely. Great photo!

  4. Wow that is a pretty rose....Happy SOOC Sunday.

  5. When you get color, form and fragrance in a rose You have a winner! This one seems to have it all.

  6. An absolute show stopper of a rose.
    Very nicely captured.


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