Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas in Korea - Day 8, On the Way Home

We had a great visit and now we are on the way home.  From Seoul to Tokyo to San Francisco to Houston to Tulsa, 26 hours in all.  I am posting this in San Francisco a bit more than half way home... There's no place like home, there's no place like home.


  1. Oh my and I thought my journey to see daughter in Maui was long at 17
    hours - enjoy your own bed as and when you arrive home.

    A happy New Year to you both.

  2. Bon retour à Tulsa avec le grand plaisir de retrouver Smockey et son grand lit ;-))

    Bonne et heureuse Année 2011.

  3. Happy new year to you, Susan and all of your familly ! I read your travel in Korea, it was a marvelous journey Baby Grant looks like a little boy now !


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