Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas in Korea - Day 2, Los Angeles to Seoul

 We chased the sun all day from Los Angeles to Tokyo and approached Narita airport just at sunset.  We have crossed the international date line and it is the evening of Christmas Eve. After another inspection by airport security we resumed our flight to Inchon airport in Seoul where we went through Korean customs and were met by Susan's son Paul.  He took us to the hotel where he had made reservations for us.   By the time we reached the hotel it was early on Christmas morning.  We collapsed with the intention of sleeping late.  Tomorrow is Christmas spent with Paul, his wife Beth and the 2 grand children we have not seen for over 2 years.  It will be a merry Christmas.

More SkyWatch Friday


  1. Have a wonderful Christmas Bill and Susan. Sharon and I will be skyping each other - Christmas morning for her, evening for me :-)

  2. That's a beautiful sunset from the skies,have a merry christmas and happy new year.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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