Sunday, November 21, 2010

My Brother Alan

My friend Alan is an Episcopal Deacon and was the guest preacher at church this morning to talk about the Kairos Prison Ministry.   Alan is the closest thing to a brother that I will ever have.  

I met Alan in 1993 right after my first marriage came apart. That was a rough time for me and Alan was more than just a friend, he helped me get back on my feet and get my head on straight.  A few years later he got into Kairos and talked me into being part of a team.  Since then we have spent a lot of time in prison together.  

Alan asked me to be the godfather to his youngest son Brian.  I met and married Susan and he was my Best Man.  He studied to become a Deacon and I was part of his ordination.  Really good friends are hard to come by, friends like Alan are priceless.


  1. You're not wrong, I can honestly say that through all the friends that I have made throughout my life. I have only two that are real friends that would do anything for me and vice versa.

  2. What a testament to your friend. I'd keep him on the Christmas Card list if I were you.

  3. Amen to friends who stick closer than a "brother".....


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