Monday, November 29, 2010

Macro Monday - The Creche is Out

This is not a macro but is a closeup of the little creche we bought years ago.  It is only about 10 inches tall but has a lot of detail and is one of our favorite things.  Now that Thanksgiving is past we are beginning to look forward to Christmas.  Today was the first Sunday in Advent and the first candle was lit in the advent wreath.


  1. it is so beautiful
    brings back good memories of home

  2. Iw seems to have been beautifully made and with a lighting to match.

  3. Already? Wow, I can't believe it's almost December...

  4. This is a beautiful creche! I love the minute detail. Great photo!

  5. Beautiful shot, and considering it's size, works out for Macro Monday perfectly. Love the lighting, the fade to black and the detail. Super Shot!

  6. Bonsoir Bill.

    Ici aussi nous allons commencer d'installer la crèche et le sapin de Noël.
    mon premier Noël de ma nouvelle vie ;-))
    Bisous à vous deux et caresses à Smokey.

  7. A wonderful creche - perfect for the waiting and excitement of Advent!


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