Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sepia Scenes - North American T-28B Trojan

Built as the North American T-28B Trojan this was at one time the primary trainer for the Navy and Marines.  Also known as the Navy VT-2 "Doerbird" it was put into service in 1960 as a trainer for the U.S. Armed forces and is still used as a flight trainer.  See this blog post by a Navy aviator in training.  For a history of the aircraft during the Vietnam war and afterwards see Wikipedia.  This aircraft and others were on display at the Oklahoma Air Guard's Family Day September 11, 2010.


  1. I like its streamlined lines. Nice photo.

  2. Sepia is a perfect choice for this series.

  3. In San Diego is an aircraft carrier permanently stationed as a museum of older models of air force planes -very interesting!

  4. The grace of classic aircraft. You might be interested in my posts on P-51s, and on getting to ride in a B-17

  5. What a beautiful amazing piece of machinery! You captured the essence of it as well!


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