Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ruby Tuesday - Bartlesville Buffalo

We were in Bartlesville Friday showing Sue's brother and sister-in-law the sights when I spied this Bison.  Brightly colored beasts are all over town to raise money for the Mary Martha Outreach, a local charity that provides assistance for the needy.  This sort of thing started in Chicago with large cows purchased and decorated by various groups.  Tulsa did penguins to support a new exhibit for the zoo.  Bartlesville is having a Buffalo Stampede.  Fun Stuff.


  1. That is wonderful. What a great Ruby Tuesday entry.

  2. this is so cool!! great colors too. have a good week!

  3. I have seen the fish ones and the Cats. But I like the Buffalo one. will have to get to Chicago to see them in person.
    My Ruby Tuesday link for you

  4. Awesome...Cape Cod Ma has dophins painted like that and Vemont has Moose. Just love seeing them.

  5. Tulsa Gentleman, I would award you the ruby gem of the week with this one!

  6. OH my goodness! Isn't that bison something else!? :)

  7. I love the Buffalo. I love Tulsa's penguins also.

  8. I met the bison's long lost cousin in Rio! http://www.flickr.com/photos/xiaozhuli/3324110567/

  9. Hi Bill, I always enjoy your Tuesday posts. Such a variety of 'Red' images.


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