Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sunday Jigsaw Puzzle - Smokey Recuperating

We took Smokey to the veterinarian on Friday to have his teeth cleaned.  It seems that 3 were bad and had to be pulled.  Poor Smokey was recuperating in the sun this morning.  If only we could get him to brush.


  1. I hope Smokey recovers soon. It doesn't look like he feels too well but he has a nice warm spot to rest up.

  2. Smokey looks so sorry for himself doesn't he?

  3. He looks content enough in the sun ...

  4. 15:38 Smokey's coat is a difficult subject for a jigsaw!

  5. Bill, Ed brushes Josie's teeth. She has a special toothbrush and chicken flavoured toothpaste which she licks off the brush.

  6. Poor Smokey you can't fin a toothbrush especially for dog ? I had a dog when I was young with tooth probleme we try to brush it teeth ! but it was a little dog not a tall one as Smokey !


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