Friday, September 10, 2010

Skywatch Friday - The Rain Came

It started raining yesterday morning and it rained all day and all last night.  I'm not complaining as we needed the rain.  We have a little frog who sits bravely under his umbrella and measures the rain for us.

By noon today the rain had fizzled to a drizzle and the little rain gauge said about 8 cm or 3 inches.  The nice thing was that it rained slowly and steadily so the water had time to settle in rather than all run off.  It was a good rain.

The sky?  It was a solid gray and not very photogenic, but the rain that fell was very nice.


  1. That's a delightful little rain gage! Thanks for visiting my sky watch. And I'm glad you did not get the wind and flooding that was to your south. Your storm is heading our way and we are hoping for a little rainfall Saturday night.

  2. that's a cute rain gauge. love the brave frog:) have a good weekend!

  3. he seems a bit sad, but very endearing. Maybe the season has been too dry for him. he should jump for joy now ;-)

  4. We're having heavy rain in England too but, sadly, we seem to have had it throughout July and August!!! Never mind, maybe we'll get an Indian summer?

  5. Love these two photos. The rain was indeed a much welcomed sight.

  6. Lovely composition! Your photography skills really improved I find. Not that they were bad before, you know what I mean ;-)


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