Sunday, July 4, 2010

Sunday Jigsaw Puzzle - US Independence Day

Here in The United States it is Independence Day, the Fourth of July, and a national holiday.
This day is a celebration of the declaration of independence from the colonial rule of Great Britain in 1776.  It is a day of family picnics, trips to parks or beaches, and an evening of fireworks.


  1. Happy 4th of July to you and your contributors.

  2. Have a nice Independence Day!
    P.S. I like your puzzle.

  3. Bonne FĂȘte Nationale, Bill.

  4. Great picture of the flag for Independence Day. I hope you had a wonderful day.

  5. I hope you had a wonderful 4th!

  6. Belated Happy 4th of July!

    Even if I am a Norwegian, I am fortunate enough to be married to an American - so we had spare ribs (sorry no leftovers :-)

    Btw; thanks for you're comments on my Covered Bridge post - it enriches the subject!


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