Friday, June 11, 2010

Skywatch Friday - Storm Passing Tulsa

Looking north from Chandler Park.


  1. What a stunning capture! Such a golden glow on the ground and the clouds/colors are fantastic! Hope you have a great weekend!


  2. Beautiful wide sky pictures, and the colours in the foreground are lovely and subtle.

  3. Gorgeous capture. Well done indeed.

  4. Hope the storm didn't hit Tulsa.
    Beautiful, evocative picture.

  5. Beautiful shot! I love stormy skies, they loom over the city like the end of the world is near. Which is not cheering, obviously, but I find big storms sometimes comforting for some reason.

  6. Beautiful shot! I've been drawn to clouds lately. Maybe because the weather has been wierd in Redding CA, and I haven't seen so many different types of clouds before.

  7. Mmmmm looks scary to me. You are in Tornado country....

  8. Breathtakingly and dramaticly beautiful - so well captured!

    Happy Weekend to you and you're wife :-)

    Btw dear blog friend: Sorry for being absent for a while. Of course I could have written a lot of excuses, but I guess the most important is to assure you I haven't forgot you (and do appreciate all you're nice comments on mine)!

  9. Such beautiful light on the landscape. Well done!


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