Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday Jigsaw Puzzle - Louvre Museum, Paris

Entrance to the Louvre museum of art, Paris, France
Probably the greatest art museum in the world. Read about it in Wikipedia, or look at the museum's own website.


  1. Ahhh a real DaVinci Code of puzzles to be sure! I would love to visit the Louvre. We are doing a good job of getting around Europe, but Paris is still one place I have never been. Someday!

  2. My favorite museum in Paris, lat year we went to visit it with children, we saw Mona Lisa ! I hope to go to Le Louvre soon !
    have a nice sunday !

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Enjoyed that - 14.18 my time, best for quite some time!! Perhaps I'm getting used to turning the pieces?

  5. J'habite trop loin de Paris pour aller le visiter et ce n'est pas facile en camping-car !!!

  6. This is a museum I enjoy visiting but you can get lost for hours inside!

    Have you seen the building at night? It's beautiful.


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