Friday, May 21, 2010

Skywatch Friday - North to Owasso

Tulsa is in the middle of "Tornado Alley" and we have had thunderstorms all week.   In between we see some patches of blue sky.  I wouldn't have it any other way.


  1. Great shot. What a BIG sky you caught.

  2. Oh, a BIG sky indeed! I love it! Terrific capture! Hope you have a great, tornado free weekend!


  3. That's an impressive horizon!
    Beautiful photo!
    I love clouds like that.

  4. Beautiful picture. Tornados, such as you experience, are not known in the UK but we evidently have a very high incidence - something I learned the other day!

    Never too old to learn.

  5. Awesome shot of the sky! Great capture! I hope you stay safe from those tornados.

  6. We have had quite a few storms down here in the south as well. But I'm originally from tornado alley, so I'm used to it.

    I love your sky today. It makes me miss home.

  7. Big, beautiful fluffy clouds! Very nice.


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