Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday Jigsaw Puzzle - Spring in Full Bloom

Driving through Tulsa's older neighborhoods is a celebration of spring color.

This lovely garden has both white and red Azaleas starting to show, a white Redbud tree (yes, they come in several colors), and in the distance a yellow Forsythia.  Later in the season that big Magnolia tree will bloom.

When the spring weather warms gradually we see flowers appear in a particular sequence. This year with some late cold weather followed by unusually warm weather everything seems to be blooming at once. As my friend Yogi said, we are having a simultaneous instead of a sequential spring this year


  1. i love the size of those azalias. they must love it in oklahoma.

  2. A very beautiful picture ! but the jigsax is too difficult for me ! have a nice sunday !

  3. Beautiful! I love springtime.

  4. Bring on the flowers! Beautiful!


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