Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ruby Tuesday - Japanese Flowering Quince

One of the early colorful shrubs is this Japanese Flowering Quince also known as Japonica.

This is very hardy and can grow quite large if left  untrimmed.  It sometimes bears small red fruit and protects itself with thorns.  It is a Chaenomeles and part of the same Rosaceae family as apples, strawberries and roses.  This particular variety is correctly named Chaenomeles Superba.

For other shades of red from all over check out Ruby Tuesday.


  1. So, japonica down in your corner and forsythia up in Brattcat's corner.

    Spring has, indeed, sprung!

  2. That's gorgeous but PLEASE don't set it as your next jigsaw.

  3. That photo is so, so impressive. Such beauty.

    Hi, if you can find time, I'd really enjoy your visit today...viewing my RUBY TUESDAY

  4. I have always loved this showy shrub in the spring, but I don't happen to have any in my yard.

  5. OMG what a tree!!!! Thanks for sharing.

  6. I love your flowers so colourful.

  7. Very pretty! What a wonderful color! We are just starting to see some things blooming here. :)

  8. I have seen a couple of these and had wondered what they were. Thank you for solving my mystery!

  9. What a magnificent specimen. Makes the few straggly flowers I get on mine a very poor showing.


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