Monday, March 22, 2010

Snow on the First Day of Spring!

Last week Tulsa was enjoying lovely spring-like weather.  I shared a photo of my Daffodils and the yellow Forsythia was blooming.  With the official advent of Spring, they are all buried under a thick layer of snow.  Have I mentioned before that Oklahoma's weather is unpredictable?  Now here it is Monday and the forecast is back to 60*F (16*C) and tomorrow will be 72*F (22*C).  The birds at my bird feeders look very confused.


  1. We celebrated the first day of spring same way. But we don't get quite the warm-up you did. We're supposed to get more tomorrow...

  2. Yorkshire celebrated the onset of spring with a beautiful day - 22nd and it's persistently raining!!!

  3. Finally I got your photo to appear.

    btw, I loved Branson described as a "Baptist Las Vegas."

    I kept trying to come up with something like that and couldn't quite get even close but you nailed it.

  4. No way!!!

    You should move to Canada, it's nice and quite warm up there. Seriously, this winter is crazy. Both Europe and the USA got really bad weather and meanwhile, we are wearing shorts!

  5. Alabama actually had a few snowflakes, and it sounds like our spring is right where yours is: daffodils and forsythia.

  6. That white stuff looks familiar. I keep waving my magic spring wand. Maybe it needs recharged or something.


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