Saturday, March 27, 2010

Monochrome Weekend - View from Mont Saint-Michel

The view from the abbey atop Mont Saint-Michel is breath-taking. 

Mont Saint-Michel is a small island just off the coast of Normandy.  It has been a monastic establishment since the 8th century.  The great abbey and church at the peak were constructed in the 11th and 12th centuries.  The tides around the island  can vary as much as 45 feet (14 meters) with the result that it is an island at high tide and is surrounded by salt flats at low tide.  It is reached by a natural land bridge which was fortified into a true causeway in 1889.

More Monochrome Weekend


  1. Breathtaking indeed. Great shot.

  2. As it appeared on the screen I thought 'Didn't know places in Tulsa turn out to look like Scotland!' - then I find it's Mont St Michel. I'm getting internationally confused! Startling to look down.


  3. It must be fun looking at your "old" photographs and then updating them in sepia. Sorry, that sounds a bit like an oxymoron.

  4. Magnifique view!!
    Have a nice weekend.

  5. it is breathtaking indeed. it ( the building) looks very old but remarkably well preserved

  6. Breathtaking, I'll say. Love these castle/monastary shots.

  7. This was a beauty - both the castle itself, but even more the view of the dunes and the sea.

  8. Great photograph. I've read about Mont Saint-Michele and seen photographs in various magazines and online. I would like to go someday.

  9. This area around Mont Saint- Michele is glorious, Bill. Both the natural and the man-made environs. Love those swirls in the ocean.

  10. Great composition. I really like this shot a lot. Have a great weekend.

  11. Excellent image Bill. The mass of the church set against the delicate background is marvelous. Then there's the stonework and the tones and... great job!!

  12. "St Michel" without the "e" (sorry, French teacher/ translator speaking here!)

    The view is indeed amazing. I must visit again next time I go to France. Did you taste some the cookies they sell everywhere there?


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