Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wordless Wednesday / Sepia Scenes

Abandoned Factory, Tulsa, Oklahoma

Here are more


  1. Beautiful photo. I love abandoned buildings like this as subjects.

  2. harbinger of things to come?

    sure makes a nice photo subject, tho.

  3. Left over from another age perhaps when life went a little more slowly and held more meaning for those living in it.

  4. My immediate reaction was "where are the tumbleweeds?"

    That takes me back to the old B movies way before the advent of tv and people went to the cinema twice a week!

  5. Great photo. I love old industrial sites and photographs. Some of the places I used to work are now old industrial sites!

  6. Hi;
    First time visitor. This is a great shot. It kind of reminds me of my hometown - where everything is in that sad state of disrepair. Which is fine by me... I keep hoping they'll turn all of South Dakota into a wind farm. Yeah, yeah, I'm awful...tee hee

    Happy WW!

  7. I LOVE abandoned buildings! Such history and they always make great pictures or great scenery for pictures!

  8. Une image complètement dans l'ambiance des livres que je lis en ce moment, des romans qui se passent dans l'Amérique des années 50 ! merci Bill pour ces photos !

  9. Life... waiting to happen. Beautiful capture of light in transition.

    My WW for today: When life's river takes you under, hang on to your paddle!

  10. that looks pretty interesting and kinda scary!

    u may view mine here

  11. Perfect subject for a well done sepia rendering. Nice composition too.

  12. There was a similar factory closure in San Francisco (two infact) that were turned into restaurant, boutique, shops, etc. places. Very cool and fun to visit. It was be wonderful to see this old property reinvented into something like that.

  13. The look of the old and unused is nice in sepia. We see the functional shape better, the broken glass doesn't seem so bad, the rust looking better in this monochrome. The shame is that all old buildings cannot be preserved, we wish buildings could all be recycled and used again...

  14. I like the rustic feel of this sepia shot & the sepia tone looks very cool! One of my favs this week!

  15. A perfect subject for sepia!
    I'm always on the lookout for those old ones that haven't fallen down.
    Growing up my best friend's father's name was Bill Miller. :)

  16. Wonder how much history are written on those walls. Sepia + abandoned buildings = awesome!

  17. I'm also fascinated by abandoned buildings and their history.
    Like Annie, I hope that some may find it worth while to give the old buildings new life.
    With all industry shipped eastwards, we've got quiGreat shot.te a few empty factory buildings here as well.

  18. love this shot, the industrieal building looks great in sepia. Kaye—the road goes ever ever on

  19. Wow, there is some wonderful texture in that shot. The sepia works so well for this.


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