Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sunday Jigsaw Puzzle

Dogwood tree in my back yard. February 7, 2019.

DSCF0060 - online jigsaw puzzle - 77 pieces
Click to play, pieces rotate. Enjoy!


  1. Hey what a cool idea. Nice snow pic too.

    Love the Sycamore reflection too.

  2. I like your dogwood photo. Well done indeed. We have lots of snow up here in NJ. We got blasted with over 20 inches Friday night and Saturday.

  3. i like your pick.. very interesting

  4. Nice photo. I heard on tv that some part of United states are under snow, is it the same thing in Tulsa ? I hope you, and your familly are weel, wht's new from Molly and Will ? my children miss them

  5. Beautiful photo! And I'm also amazed at how much snow is balanced on the branches :)

  6. Looking at your description I would have to say this is the tree of the future. :) It looks very much like the trees around here. The contrast between the branches and the snow is great.

  7. What a neat capture!!! at first it does remind me of a puzzle! You guys had snow again!!!! wow, bet you can't wait for spring!?
    Love your monochrome/ reflection shot too!
    Gena @ Thinking Aloud

  8. I think you got more white stuff than we did! Maybe you even got more than Vancouver! (I did hear they are finally getting some today.)

  9. This was the most difficult puzzle so far, it took me twice as long as normal.


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